Mealette grabs your location, generates a list of local restaurants, and chooses one at random for you to eat at. If you dont like the pick, simply hit Pass!
Mealette will run out of restaurants to pick from in three ways:
1. If youre a picky eater, and hit Pass on every choice.
2. If youve eaten at all the restaurants.
3. If youre in the middle of nowhere.
If you fall under the first two categories above, Mealette will wipe the slate (or plate) clean, and gather a new list of restaurants. This new list may include the same restaurants from the original choices. As long as restaurants are within the Distance set in the app, you will always have choices!
Are you, or your significant other, indecisive about where to eat each night? Trying to find out where to have lunch? Visiting a new area, but dont know any of the restaurants near you?
Let the pizza spin - and let Mealette pick for you!
Turn the "I dont know" response into real options by using Mealette!